Friday, October 5, 2007

Is this Karma Anderson?

Is it just me or does the girls in this advertisement look like Karma Anderson (far left) and Dawn Shear (far right)?Seriously, the similarity is startling! Did they use an old TVHS yearbook? Does someone from TVHS work at If Dawn or Karma are out there, please confirm or deny that this is you. Your TVHS friends.
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Wally.Paxton said...

Funny, the far left looks like Mandy Manson and the far right looks like Marlo Martinez from Broomfield Heights Middle School in Colorado. The girl in the middle looks familiar too.

Anonymous said...

The girl on the far right looks like someone that went to Hollywood High circa 1991. Jeanine ...

Anonymous said...

The people in this picture went to Piner High school in Santa Rosa California. The girl on the far left is Michelle Montague.

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