Friday, November 30, 2007

Attention All Classmates

Please send your updated address, telephone and email to Leslie Calanni (aka Vanicek) at

Friday, October 5, 2007

Is this Karma Anderson?

Is it just me or does the girls in this advertisement look like Karma Anderson (far left) and Dawn Shear (far right)?Seriously, the similarity is startling! Did they use an old TVHS yearbook? Does someone from TVHS work at If Dawn or Karma are out there, please confirm or deny that this is you. Your TVHS friends.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend 08'

Here's the latest reunion scoop...About 20% of our TVHS 1993 classmates completed the online survey. It looks like you want the reunion to be Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-26.

The survey will be kept up for a few more days. If you are not into Memorial Day or think a friend can't make it, get on that survey. It's not too late.

We've got a little mini democracy going. Take advantage of it.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

When Vs.How Much

The TVHS 1993 party planners are ready to plan a party. Have you told them what you think?
Click Here to take survey

So far the "Survey says…”

The date of the reunion is the biggest factor of whether you'll attend.

73% Time of year
18% Cost
9% Location

But when? Survey says… Memorial Day (May 2008) or Labor Day (Sept. 2008)

If you disagree, speak up. It’s not too late to take the survey and it’s better than complaining when some committee chooses a date you can’t make. Already taken it? Pass the link onto your 1993 TVHS friends.

And Bill Angione says he's bringing hot dog hats for everybody.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Leslie and her boys

Hello to all fellow Trojans!

Here is a picture of me and my 2 sons, Giovanni and Dominic. Not pictured is my husband, Luciano. I can’t wait to see everyone at the reunion! Feel free to drop me a line at

Friday, September 7, 2007

Who's the 1993 TVHS Trojan Tri-athlete

Danielle Welch (Cramer) just finished her first triathlon earlier this year. And woman..Denise McPhereson, Josie Hildebrandt, Dawn Gordon and I would have welcomed her to the TVHS CC team back in the day. She’s built like a brick *hit house. (AKA: She’s is in great shape.) Danielle what’s next on your list? Want to climb Mt. Rainier?

"It took a lot of training,Dani said. "But I had a blast!!"
Send a photo and what you are upto to . (It doesn't have to be a triathlon or goodwill mission to Africa.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Claude Anderson is my neighbor

The world is so small. I just found out that Claude Anderson lives not far from me near Tacoma, WA? Where are you? Leave a comment. Let us know. -Jamie Graef

Monday, August 13, 2007

Where are we now?

TVHS 1993 classmates are visiting this site from all over the country! Leave a comment below and tell us where you live now.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Hot Dog

Stacey Beaber still knows how to have a good time hot dogging around!

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